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Import File Inspector


The "Import File Inspector" is a useful tool which allows you to inspect a file that is a candidate for importation. This function will tell you:

How to Invoke

Use the menu item "Lottery Data > Import Lottery Data > Import File Utilities > Import File Inspector" .

Basic Procedure

  1. Enter known parameters about the file (Date format, characters between date elements, character between numbers)
  2. Select the file.
  3. Click the "Inspect" button.

Window Controls

"Date Format" dropdown

This allows you to select how the drawing date format.

"Character between Date Elements" dropdown

This allows you to select the character that is between the date elements (month, day and year). The default is the slash ('/').

"Character between Date and Numbers" dropdowns

This allows you to select the character that is between the date and the first of the numbers drawn. The default is the tab character.

"Character between Numbers" dropdown

This allows you to select the character that is between the individual numbers drawn. The default is the dash ('-').

"Ignore First Line" check box

Some delimited text files use the first line to describe the field layout. If your input file has this, check this box.

"Expected Input Format" box

Based on your previous selections, this box shows, using dummy data, how it expects the input file to look. Note that the tab character is represented as '[tab]'.

"Select Input File" button

Clicking this button brings up a standard file selector. Choose the file you want to import.

"Actual Input Format" box

Based on the file you selected, this box shows an actual preview of the first few lines of that file. It is important that this box closely resembles what is in the "Expected Input Format" box.

"Inspect" button

Clicking this button inspects the file you have chosen.

"Cancel" button

Use this to close the current window and return to the Main window.

"Copy" button

This button copies the output to the System Clipboard.